A Simple Beginner Barre Workout

The gym is great for providing variety and motivating some people to exercise. But if you’re just starting to get back into the workout groove, you may not want to invest in membership yet. A fitness routine that you can do at home may be the inspiration that you need. This beginner barre workout helps you develop your strength, flexibility, and agility. You don’t need any special equipment or skills to do it. Barre offers many benefits, and it’s an ideal routine for changing up your workout regimen so that you don’t get bored.
What Are the Benefits of Barre?
Barre workouts fuse concepts from dance and Pilates to target all of the major muscle groups. You don’t need to know ballet moves or buy expensive equipment. While a barre workout is a low impact, it requires a lot of energy. You will use muscles that you didn’t know existed, focusing on intentional, repetitive movements that challenge you mentally and physically.
Some of the many benefits of a barre workout include:
• Lengthens muscles
• Improves posture
• Can be adapted for cardio or strength
• Strengthens core, abdominal, arm, thigh, calf, glute, and pelvic floor muscles
• Boosts muscle endurance
• Helps you maintain bone density as you age
• Requires little space
• Can be done anywhere
• Boosts mood and cognitive function
If you’re currently sedentary, adding a beginner barre workout to your day should help you lose weight. Even if you are fairly active, barre works the body in different ways. You might notice tighter, leaner muscles. Daily tasks, like playing on the floor with the kids and bringing in the groceries, will seem easier. You’ll feel stronger and stand straighter.
How to Do a Simple Beginner Barre Workout
This beginner barre workout incorporates movements for different muscle groups. Work through the entire practice, or try a few exercises that seem intriguing.
During this workout, you’ll activate your hips, knees, ankles, and feet in ways that you may not be used to. Warm-up with a brisk walk, jumping jacks, yoga cat-cow poses and butterfly stretches. Roll your hips and ankles to loosen them up.
You may want to stand near a counter, wall, or sturdy piece of furniture to help you maintain your balance. Pull out a yoga mat or towel for the floor exercises.
Plie Pulses
Stand in the first position. Your heels will be together, and your toes will point out at a 45-degree angle. Activate your core, lengthen your spine, and tuck your pelvis as you bend your knees. Your upper body should drop down as though it is on a track. Sink down a few inches. When you feel your glutes and inner thighs engage, pulse up and down for 25 repetitions.
Parallel Plies
Hold your hands on your hips, and bend your knees. Rise onto your toes. Push through the balls of your feet to straighten your legs and lift your body a few inches. Then, lower yourself to the starting position. Squeeze your thighs together for optimal results.
Knee Lift to Glute Press
Standing tall, ground your supporting foot and bend that leg slightly. Use your abs and hip flexors to lift your other foot into the air, keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle. Maintaining the same knee position, swing your foot down and toward the back. Squeeze your glute as you raise your foot behind you.
Deep Isometric Lunge
Begin in a lunge position on the floor. Your front knee should be directly over the foot. Your back toes should be tucked under. Keeping your upper body vertical, use the power in your legs to rise up slowly. When it feels challenging, hold it there. Move your body up and down an inch for 30 repetitions.
High Plank With Alternate Leg Lift
Get into a high plank position. Your palms should be spread out on the floor, directly under your hands. Maintain a straight line with your body, keeping your shoulders and hips square as you raise one leg behind you. Hold it for a moment before lowering it and repeating with the opposite leg.
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