Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Ben Rawson

    Dr. Ben Rawson, DO is trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is a current Tri-Athlete and loves running.

    How to Deal with Muscle Soreness from Exercise

    How to Deal with Muscle Soreness from Exercise

    If you're new to exercise, sore muscles are probably part of the experience. However, if you're an athlete or a regular exerciser, you may be concerned with how to deal with muscle soreness after a workout.

    Don't neglect your body.

    You’re not alone in feeling a little sore after a workout. The good news is that muscle soreness is an important part of your body’s recovery process.

    So don’t feel bad about it—you did something right by working out! But if you find yourself feeling more than a little tight, here are some ways to help:

    • Don't forget about stretching and warming up before working out again (especially if you're doing something new). Stretching can help prevent injury and keep blood flowing in the muscles so they don't become too stiff from being under tension for so long. It also helps reduce stress on joints like knees or ankles that might have been injured during exercise.* Ice down those areas with an ice pack for 15 minutes at least once per day; this helps reduce inflammation and speeds up recovery time.* Drink plenty of water during workouts (ideally eight glasses per day), especially when exercising vigorously outdoors or indoors where there isn't much air circulation around them."

    You might feel sore the next day, so take extra care with your body the day after.

    If you are feeling sore the next day, take it easy. Don't overdo it and try to push through the pain. If your muscles feel really bad or if they become swollen and painful, see your doctor immediately so he or she can check for any serious injuries that could be causing this type of soreness.

    If you can, find a pool or an outdoor hot tub to use when you're overdoing it.

    If you can, find a pool or an outdoor hot tub to use when you're overdoing it. Pool water is warm and buoyant, which will help soothe sore muscles more than cold, stagnant water. Hot tubs are also good for muscle soreness because they're warm and buoyant—but not as much so as pools (which may be why they work better).

    Stretch! Stretching will help you recover faster.

    Stretching is an important part of any workout, but it can be especially helpful when you're recovering from a workout that involved muscles being stretched.

    If you go too hard, don't be afraid to stop.

    If you go too hard, you will be sore.

    If you go too hard, your workout won't be as enjoyable.

    If you go too hard, it's possible that something could happen to hurt yourself or cause injury (like a fall).

    It's also true that if someone pushes themselves too far—too fast or with poor technique—they can experience muscle soreness associated with overuse injuries such as tendinitis or tendonosis (tendinosis is related to excessive training volume). Muscle soreness is an important warning sign that something isn't right and needs attention so take heed!

    Ice is a great way to help relieve soreness and speed up recovery.

    Ice is a great way to help relieve soreness and speed up recovery. When to use ice:

    • When you have a muscle injury or strain
    • After an intense workout, such as running or lifting weights (even if it's just for 15 minutes)

    How much ice do I need? It depends on the severity of your injury and how well you can tolerate the cold. If there's pain or swelling, consider icing for about 20 minutes at a time until soreness has gone away. For minor strains, 10-20 minutes may be enough; for more severe injuries, 30-60 minutes will probably be required before any relief comes from icing alone. The type of ice used matters too—ice cubes are handy but can be damaging if used in large quantities; instead opt for softball-sized bags filled with frozen peas (or other type of non-slippery material).

    A massage therapist is a really good idea if you want to make sure that you get everything out of your workout.

    If you want to make sure that you get everything out of your workout, having a massage therapist on hand is a great idea. Massage therapists are trained in helping people with sore muscles after exercise and can help them avoid injury in the future. They can also speed up recovery time and prevent overtraining, which is when someone exercises too much or too frequently without taking enough rest days between workouts. Massage therapists will explain how they work with clients who have soreness from exercise and give them advice on how best to treat their injuries.

    Massage therapists are trained professionals who know exactly what kind of pressure points will work best for each individual person so that they don't have any discomfort afterwards - which means less muscle soreness!

    Treat your sore muscles well, and they'll be content with their job in the future

    If you're not a big fan of sore muscles, it can be hard to deal with them. But there are ways to make sure that you don't overdo it and end up with more pain than benefit.

    First of all, if you feel like your muscles are starting to get sore after an intense workout, take a break! You may only have worked out for 20 minutes or so (or maybe even less), but give yourself time to rest before doing another set of reps so that the next day's workout isn't too much harder than necessary. And if possible avoid doing anything else right after this kind of exercise; just taking some ibuprofen will help relieve any residual pain from the previous session while also giving your body some much-needed rest time between workouts so that each session isn't as strenuous as before!

    Second: ice is great at reducing swelling and speeding up recovery times—especially good if they're experiencing joint pain due specifically because they've been exercising vigorously on certain days during those sessions--and massages therapists offer many different types including ones focused solely on reducing muscle soreness through gentle massage techniques applied directly onto specific areas where tension exists within their bodies (such as shoulders).

    Take Recovery Supplements like TopTrainer BCAAs Plus!

    There are twenty amino acids in the human body. Nine of these, called essential aminoacids, must be obtained from food because they cannot be produced by our cells.

    They have to be obtained through your diet. Of the essential amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and valine are branched-chain amino acids (BCAA).“Branched-chain” refers to the chemical structure of BCAAs. BCAAs come from eating protein-rich foods.

    Terrible, boring workouts that you drag yourself through? No more! Top Trainer’s BCAAs Plus will help boost your endurance so that you can push just a little bit harder in those tough workouts. This delicious, naturally flavored powder contains branch chain amino acids and glutamine—key ingredients to refueling after exercise.

    The use of BCAAs Plus allows you to recover quickly and stay hydrated after intense workouts.


    If you put in the time, effort and patience to maintain your muscles, they will be happy to work with you. But if they're not being treated right, then they'll get sore. This is why it's important to do what your body needs and not just what it wants you do, Taking recovery supplements can help to speed up the recovery process! By following the tips we mentioned above, you can recover from your workouts more quickly and reach your fitness goals sooner! To learn more about BCAAs Plus, visit

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