Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Ben Rawson

    Dr. Ben Rawson, DO is trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He is a current Tri-Athlete and loves running.

    How to Speed Up Your Recovery After a Tough Workout

    How to Speed Up Your Recovery After a Tough Workout

    After a tough workout, it's natural to want to recover quickly so that you can get back in the game. But do you know how to speed up your recovery? Here are some tips on how to get better at recovering from workouts:

    Get a good amount of sleep.

    Getting enough sleep is one of the most important factors for recovery. It's essential for your body to repair itself and recover from exercise, so a lack of quality sleep can seriously slow down your progress.

    It's best to aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night, but if you need more or fewer hours depending on how much time you spend sleeping (or not sleeping), this will be different for everyone. The general rule of thumb is that if you're waking up feeling tired in the morning, then it's probably not enough!

    Eat healthily to aid muscle recovery and growth.

    Eat healthily to aid muscle recovery and growth.

    To help your body recover from a workout, it's important to eat right. A healthy diet is key in building muscle and keeping you energized throughout the day—and there are several things you can do to make sure that happens:

    • Eat lots of protein, which will help repair damaged muscles while they're being repaired by the body's own cells (as opposed to from outside sources). This can be found in both animal products such as eggs or dairy products like milk or cheese; however if possible try vegetarian options like tofu instead of meat so that you're still getting enough protein without adding any extra calories into your diet!

    Rest for a full 24 hours before your next workout.

    Resting for at least 24 hours before your next workout is important for muscle recovery. It allows your body to repair and regenerate, which will help you perform better in the future.

    If you push yourself too hard during a workout, it can leave you sore for days or even weeks after the fact. When this happens, your body needs time to recover so it can be ready for another round of training or exercise. If you don't give yourself enough rest between workouts, then recovery becomes more difficult than necessary—and by extension, so does performance!

    Use proper form when you exercise, so you don't hurt yourself or your muscles further.

    Proper form is the key to injury prevention. When you exercise, make sure that you do not overextend your muscles or strain them unnecessarily by using improper form. For example, if you are doing a bench press, make sure that your elbows are bent at 90 degrees and your back is arched up when lowering the weight towards your chest. You should also hold onto something while lifting weights if possible so as not to overstretch yourself!

    When it comes time for recovery after working out, these exercises can help get rid of soreness:

    • Sit-ups
    • Leg raises
    • Crunches

    Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can affect your hydration levels.

    Alcohol and caffeine can affect your hydration levels, which can make you lose more fluids through urination. Caffeine also causes you to urinate more frequently, so it's important not to consume caffeine in the hours leading up to a workout or on days when you're working out vigorously.

    Alcohol has its own set of issues; while it may make you feel more energized during workouts (after all, who wouldn't want an extra boost?), it can cause muscle cramps due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance—and if you drink too much alcohol before bedtime, this can leave behind some pretty nasty side effects like hangovers in the morning!

    Keep the blood flowing to your muscles with the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

    The RICE method is a great way to speed up your recovery after a tough workout. It’s also one of the most commonly used ways by health professionals and athletes alike.

    Rice, ice and compression are all methods you can use to decrease swelling and prevent further damage that may have been caused by an intense workout. Elevation is another key factor in reducing swelling; it helps keep blood flowing from your muscles back into your heart so that they can resume normal function more quickly.

    Take periodic walks after your workouts to help keep your muscles from tightening up.

    Walking is a great way to keep your muscles from tightening up and getting sore. It also helps your heart stay healthy, which means it can help prevent injury. And if you're in shape already, walking will help keep you there!

    Take it easy on yourself and listen to what your body needs.

    It's important to listen to your body.

    If you feel sore and sore, it might be time to back off a bit. You don't want to push yourself too hard or overdo it—that can lead to injury! But if you're feeling great after an intense workout, then go ahead and try harder. Just remember how much intensity is appropriate for each individual situation so that you don't injure yourself in the process of trying something new or different than usual (or even worse: getting injured).

    There’s some things you can do to make sure you recover the right way after a hard workout

    Take BCAAs to recover quickly, Top Trainer’s BCAAs Plus is the support you need to boost your endurance to help you power through those tough workouts.

    This delicious, naturally flavored powder will refuel you with branch chain amino acids and glutamine to help you get the most out of your exercise.


    After a long workout, it’s common to feel drained. But with proper nutrition and rest and right supplement, you can recover more quickly than ever. Get yours today!

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