What is Grass Fed Whey Protein?

Whether you’re looking for a post-workout boost, a meal replacement supplement or just wanting to easily increase your protein intake, one of the easiest ways to get what you need is with whey protein. And just like all the food you so carefully choose to consume, you might as well make sure your supplement is the healthiest and highest quality, which is why we recommend grass fed whey protein.
When the demand for beef and dairy increased in the 40’s, cattle farmers started feeding their cows corn and other grains to save on money and produce a higher yield. This, mixed with hormones needed to quickly fatten up the animals led to a lower quality but cheaper product for consumers. Grass fed products mean that the cattle used only eat grass and other foraged food, never grain, which assures that you get the most nutrients and quality fats. More benefits of grass fed beef include less total fat and more omega-3 fatty acids, linoleic acid and vitamin E, all of which are great news for your heart. Grass fed whey protein holds all the same benefits as grass fed beef.
So what is Whey Protein and how do they make it?
Casein and whey are the two proteins that make up milk. The separation of whey can occur naturally as a by-product of making cheese, or it can be separated on its own. Once it’s separated completely, whey is then made into a powder form that makes it easy to consume. It’s a complete protein, meaning it contains all 9 essential amino acids necessary for our dietary needs, and it has low lactose content.
Health benefits of Grass Fed Whey Protein.
Good protein:
One of the best dietary sources of protein, grass fed whey protein has very high nutritional value and gets absorbed into the body very quickly.
Promotes muscle growth:
Muscle mass declines for many reasons, which can lead to increased fat in the body and raises your risk of many chronic diseases. When you include a high-protein supplement like whey protein to your strength training routine, filled with growth-promoting amino acids like Leucine, you have a more effective preventative strategy. In other words, whey protein helps set you up for success!
Get an antioxidant boost:
Whey protein helps promote the formation of glutathione, one of your body’s main antioxidants, which helps reduce oxidative stress.
May help with Type 2 Diabetes:
Recent studies show that whey protein helps moderate blood sugar by increasing insulin levels and the body’s sensitivity to it. Experts suggest taking a whey protein supplement before or with a meal high in carbohydrates to help curb a spike in blood sugar levels.
Aids in weight loss:
Not only is whey protein very filling, which makes you want to eat less, it also helps boost your metabolism so that you burn more calories according to a study completed by Nutrition & Metabolism.
Helps reduce inflammation:
While short-term inflammation can be beneficial, long-term, chronic inflammation is a big risk factor of many diseases and underlying health problems. Whey protein taken in large amounts has shown to greatly reduce amounts of C-reactive protein in the body, which is a signifier of inflammation.
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